
The Map functionality allows a user to show GPS Locations on a Google Map, if the Data Collector app has a field type that obtains a GPS location, such as a Photo, Signature or Location field.

Note: Maps will need to be configured before use.  Please refer to ‘Configuring Maps’ by clicking here.

Using Maps

To use Maps, select the required record(s) in View Data, and then select the Maps button below the grid.

You will then see a popup modal where you select which GPS field you would like to use for the map pin.  Make your selection and then select Confirm.

The Google Map will be shown in a separate browser tab, with Pins to indicate the GPS location of the selected field.

  • Green pins: Submitted date is the current date
  • Red pins: Submitted date is not the current date

You have the normal Google functionality where you can zoom into the required area and features such as Satellite & Street View.

If you click on a pin, a popup will be shown with the Submitted By, Submitted Date/time, the Header Pins data for the record, and any additional fields configured.  You can also view the full record by selecting the ‘View Record’ link.

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