The multi-function View Data grid provides real-time access to your Data Collector data and provides the following functionality:

1. Add Record
Add Record allows for the creation of a record via AppCan Cloud. You can also bulk upload records from a spreadsheet.
Views allow you to save filters / sorts / column positions etc for reuse.
3. Column Options
Column Options also provides additional functionality to ‘Autosize’ either the selected column, or all columns.
4. Checkbox
The checkbox is fixed at the left-hand side of the grid and is used for selection of a record for printing, deletion, Maps and sending record(s) to a mobile user.
5. View
View provides a full view of the record in a modal popup, where you can add or update data and print as PDF.
6. Filters
The Filters option allows you to filter records to your requirements. Multiple filters can be applied.
7. Rows per Page
Rows per Page allows you to set how many rows of data are visible in the grid before paging is used. The grid supports a maximum of 100 rows and on loading of a Data Collector app a maximum of 25 rows are shown to the user.
8. Expand Grid
Expand Grid option allows you to expand the grid to full browser window screen.
9. Exports
You can export your data based on your Views layout. You must ensure you Save / Update any changes made to your View before exporting.