Email PDF

AppCan XP supports the ability to email PDFs of reports built in AppCan Cloud ‘Report Builder’.

Configuring ‘Email PDF’

To configure a report in ‘Report Builder’ to be available as a PDF attachment to an email, in report options select ‘Email as PDF attachment’ and then select ‘Confirm’.

You can select multiple reports as ‘Email as PDF attachment’ for the same Data Collector app, if required.

How to email reports as a PDF

On AppCan XP, select the Email option against the required record.  For Apple devices, swipe from right-to-left, for Android, tap and hold on the record.

  • Select ‘Email’ – This will show all available reports that can be emailed.
  • Select the required report and email.

Note: You will need to have connectivity for the PDF to be generated.  If no connectivity available, only the default HTML email option will be available.

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