Reports for Linked Apps

In this example, we are going to build a report for an Inspection and Inspection Actions Linked App.

Create a new report for the required Data Collector app.

Once you have created your blank report, Save and close the report.  In the Report Builder grid, go to the ‘Options’ for the report and make sure ‘Allow 3rd Party Data Source’ is selected and ‘Confirm’ the changes.

Open the report and in ‘Dictionary’ the Parent (ReportData) and Child (Inspection Actions) app will be shown 

In our report Data Sources, we have ‘ReportData’ which is the Inspection parent app, and ‘Inspection Actions’ which is the child app.

The first thing we need to do is build a Relation between in the Child and Parent apps.  We do this right-clicking on the child app and selecting ‘New Relation’.  You can see the child is already populated, and we need to select the Parent app, which is ReportData.  We now need to create a link between the child and parent app.

In the Inspection Actions Child app, select the ‘Linked App Parent Submission ID’ and in the ReportData parent app, select the ‘Unique Record ID’.  You will notice that ‘1’ is shown to the right of the blue background.  This indicates these fields are now linked.  You can change the ‘Name in Source’, ‘Name’ and ‘Alias’ if required.  Once you have created your relation, select ‘OK’.

Once you have created the Relation, you can start building your report.

In the example below, we are using a GroupHeaderBand and GroupFooterBand.  Within these bands, we have a DataBand for the ‘ReportData’ (DataBand1) and a secondary DataBand (DataBand2) for the ‘Inspection Actions’.  

We now need to link these DataBands together, so that the report will only show the Actions related to each Inspection.  

You can link these by double-clicking on DataBand2 (Inspection Actions) and selecting ‘Data Relation’ and selecting the Relation created earlier.

Then you need to select ‘Master Component’ and selecting the required DataBand.  In this case, it will be ‘DataBand1’.

Your report is now ready to be Saved or Published, as required.

Linked App records

When previewing linked apps in Report Builder, only the last two child records are loaded to enable you to preview the report.

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