To view Data Collector Options, select the 3 dot icon next to the App Name in Data Collector:

The Data Collector Options popup screen is shown, with the following functionality:
Allow URL Access without login
By selecting the “Allow URL access without logon” checkbox, you can provide access to a Data Collector record using the URL provided in Exports or via Report Builder reports. Users won’t need to log in to AppCan Cloud to access the record.
Set as Primary Data Collector Workflow
This feature allows you to set which Data Collector app(s) must have at least one record submitted (on a daily basis) before the user can continue to complete other Data Collector apps.
Enable Auto Advance on Mobile
This feature, which can be enabled per Data Collector, takes the user from field to field automatically within the Data Collector app on mobile. This helps save time completing records.
Hide option to allow selection from Photo Library
If selected, when selecting a photo field on AppCan XP , option to select photo from Photo Library removed and not available to be selected.
Green Cloud record tidy up after X day(s)
On AppCan XP, a Data Collector record is automatically removed from the device 30 days after its submission date. However, you have the option to adjust this “tidy up” timeline by specifying a different number of days.
Important Note: If you choose to set the Green Cloud record tidy up period to more than 30 days, records falling within that extended timeframe will be downloaded to users’ devices. Keep in mind that this could result in longer synchronisation times as the additional records are downloaded.
Only allow submission of one version of record
If selected, on AppCan XP, user can only submit one version of the record, after which the user cannot make any changes to the record or submit additional versions.
Record resubmission active for X day(s)
The “record resubmission active” option determines how long a Data Collector record can be resubmitted. Here’s how it works:
- When set to 1 day, the record is active only for version updates on the day of its creation. It expires at midnight on that day.
- When set to 2 days, the record remains active for the current day plus 24 hours.
- Similarly, for 3 days, it’s active for the current day plus 48 hours, and so on.
Once a record becomes inactive, all fields are locked (non-editable), and the “Submit” button is hidden from view.
3 bar icon
If a Data Collector Option has been selected for the app, the 3 bar icon will show in red to indicate an option has been selected.

Please Note: Users must be on version 1.5.0 or later of AppCan XP for the above functionality to be available.