You can now add a PDF to a Document Distributor folder directly from the mobile device.
To add a document into a Document Distributor folder on the mobile device:
Apple Devices – swipe from right-to-left on the required folder name and select ‘Attach PDF‘

Android Devices – tap and hold on the required folder name and select ‘Attach PDF‘

This will open your File explorer. Select the required PDF from your File explorer.
The ‘Upload PDF’ alert will show:

Please Note: You will not be able to delete the PDF from the mobile device, once uploaded.
On the sync of the device, the attached PDF will be uploaded to the portal and users assigned the Document Distributor will receive the document on next sync of the device.
The following Document Details will be associated with the uploaded PDF document.
- Name: PDF filename.
- Author: Name of the user who uploaded the document.
- Valid From: Date document uploaded
- Valid To: Date document uploaded + 1 year
- Version No: Set to 1