Backups & Replication

There are three core components to the AppCan Platform:

App Services

AppCan Cloud and Admin Portal, as well as associated Function Apps, currently run within an Azure App Service Plan with 99.95% uptime.

The Cloud and Admin portal app services have automatic hourly backups, which can be restored to another location in the event of failure, following Microsoft approved guidance.

If the above solution is unavailable, then the whole system can be re-deployed to a new resource group in another location.


The production database is backed up every 12 hours, and has a point-in-time-recovery (PITR) of 35 days. The backups are restored in Geo-redundant backup storage, allowing them to be accessed in the case of region-wide outage.

In the case of database failure, a backup can be restored, then the existing services can be reconfigured to point to the new database.

Any BI database can be re-created automatically in the same way new BI databases are created.

File Storage

File storage has locally-redundant storage (LRS) configured. LRS replicates data three times within a single data center in the primary region, and provides at least 99.999999999% (11 nines) durability of objects over a given year.

In the case of storage account hardware failure, the files will automatically be available from 2 of the remaining 3 copies.

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