
The Auto-Scheduler allows you to set the date & time record(s) in ‘View Data’ are sent to the selected users.

Configuring Auto-Scheduler

You can only configure the Auto-Scheduler in ‘Back Office’ Sections only.

On selection of ‘Schedule’ field type, 3 fields are automatically added to the Data Collector app:

  • Schedule Release Date & Time
  • Scheduled Date
  • Scheduled User

You can change the Field Name for these fields as required.

Note: Only one ‘Schedule’ field type can be selected to a Back Office section.

Selecting the 3 dot icon next to the ‘Schedule Release Date & Time’ field shows the scheduling options:

  • Set a default time to schedule
  • Remove scheduled records after scheduled date

Clicking on ‘Options’ shows a read-only list of mobile users assigned to the Data Collector app.

Using Auto-Scheduler

In ‘View Data’, you can schedule records to the required users.

Select the checkbox against the required record(s) and select the ‘Schedule’ button below the grid.  The ‘Schedule’ modal is shown where you can set the ‘Schedule Release Date & Time’, the ‘Schedule Date’ and ‘Scheduled User’.

Using Auto-Scheduler on AppCan XP

On AppCan XP, when a record is scheduled to a user, once the date/time to send the record out, the mobile user will receive the record on the next synchronisation.

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