Filtering Data

The multi-functional data grid offers the following filters, accessed below each column title, to help you refine your data:

  • Text / Note field Search
    • Under the applicable column header, enter the complete text string (or any part of it) to search for all records that match the specified text string.
  • Drop Down
    • Tap/click on the drop-down to reveal the complete list of responses to filter on.
    • Check the applicable response(s) then tap/click anywhere outside of the list to apply the filter.
    • You can select one or more options from the dropdown.
    • You can also select ‘Blank’ to filter on records where an entry hasn’t be made.
  • Dates
    • Select the calendar icon and select the required date.
    • Date Range: Select the funnel icon and choose the start and end date range. Click on Apply to set the date range.
    • You can also select ‘Blank’ to filter on records where an entry hasn’t be made.
  • Date & Times
    • Select the calendar / clock icon and select the required date time.
    • Date Range: Select the funnel icon and choose the start and end date range. Click on Apply to set the date range.
    • You can also select ‘Blank’ to filter on records where an entry hasn’t be made.

Clearing Filter(s)

To clear filter(s), select the ‘Clear Filters’ button at the bottom of the screen.

If multiple filters have been defined, selecting ‘Clear Filters’ button clears all of them at the same time.

Filter Limits

If you are filtering a column that has over 2000 options, the following message will be shown when ‘Select All’ is chosen. We recommend you export the data for further analysis.

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